Backup and Recovery of vSphere VCSA and Platform Services Controllers

Backup and Recovery of vSphere VCSA and Platform Services Controllers

At the center of your virtual infrastructure is the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA), and it is very important for High Availability. If it or its components — like the Platform Services Controller (PSC) — are ever lost or corrupt, you need to restore them immediately. However, there is a specific order to how things need to be restored, and sometimes it is difficult and extra steps are necessary. In our technical white paper, we have all of the information to make this restore easy with all the different steps detailed and screenshots to better understand the commands. You will also learn how to protect your vSphere Distributed Switches as well.

Read this technical white paper to learn how to:

  • Properly back up the VSCA and components
  • Decipher what needs to be restored and what needs to be redeployed
  • Make your recoveries easier

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