The 2016 build vs buy question – Cloud, Hyper-converged or Bare-Metal
Alright all of you honey-do procrastinators, Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow! That means Spring time is coming early so you better start planning for all your outdoor DIY projects. If you are like me, my mind races to "Should I build it or can I find something already built that will give me my weekend back?"
For IT projects, the 2016 build vs buy paradigm is very different than what it was just a few short years ago . Infrastructure solutions were primarly bare metal servers and storage to run the latest software acquired to produce more revenue, to reduce costs... (pick your value prop). Now hyper-converged architectures as well as cloud solutions provide you with an alternative to bare metal.
A great example of this is the selection process for the infrastructure necessary to deploy Splunk. When reviewing the best infrastructure for Splunk, considerations should be made for:
Speed to ROI - How quickly can I deploy the infrastructure to support the software investment and realize the benefits of the solution?
Performance - Given the real time analysis benefits of Splunk, is the infrastructure I'm building the highest performing architecture at the best price?
Data Intensive - Can the infrastructure support the data intensive demands of Splunk?
So put away the coats and cold weather gear and get ready for Spring cause Phil said so! As for your next IT project, we're here to help you determine which route makes best sense for your organization.
About the Author
John Alday is the CEO of Cima Solutions Group. His professional experience includes twelve years at IBM Corporation performing various sales and sales management duties including Business Unit Executive in IBM's MidMarket sales organization. He served as a Regional Vice President of Sales for Onyx Software, an enterprise CRM software company and General Manager for an IBM Business Partner firm. He started Cima Solutions Group in 2005 with the focus on delivering reliable and efficient IT solutions that create financial value for the clients they serve. In 2012, John co-founded Cowork Suites, a company that brings multi-tenancy and resource sharing concepts to the workplace environment through coworking.
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