Everything your business does creates data, and the development of new technologies such as hybrid cloud and the Internet of Things will only increase the amount of data you create. The real question is, what is your company doing with all that data? Unfortunately, for many organizations today, the answer is that the data created by everyday business operations is simply dumped onto a server, and then left to rot. As a result, businesses get little or no value from the data they create.
Fortunately, with log management capabilities, there is a better way. These tools can help you turn your log and machine data into a powerful source of insight into what's going on in your IT environment and your business as a whole. As a result, data is no longer just taking up space on your company's servers: it's actually helping to drive better results.
Cima Solutions Group is proud to announce our new partnership with Splunk, a leading provider of log management and log analysis solutions for business. In this series of short blog posts, we'll provide you with an introduction to Splunk, and then look at how our partnership will benefit our customers, and help them get better results from their IT environments.
Making data valuable again
The problem with most log and machine data created in business environments these days is the fact that it is inherently complex, and often unstructured. Many organizations have no readily available solution to help them turn that data into something they can use, so it's no surprise to see them treat that data like it isn't useful.
Splunk can help change all that. By helping organizations capture, index, store, search and analyze log data, the Splunk solution can turn data that was once considered nothing more than a storage burden into something that actually helps drive better results for things like troubleshooting and pursuing overall business objectives.
In this series of posts, we look forward to bringing you a deeper look at how the Splunk partnership can deliver better results for Cima customers, whether they're operating on premises or in the cloud. Check back soon for the next post in our series to learn more about what this powerful solution can do.
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