(This article was written by Lynn Lucas for Cohesity and originally appeared on choesity.com )
IT decision makers know certain truths about secondary storage and data protection. Among them: Storage workloads are spread across fragmented silos in the data center – backups, archives, files, objects, test/dev, analytics. But only one of these stands out as critical to business – and that’s backups.
It’s no wonder backups have become so important to businesses. Backup has literally become the last line of defense for data protection, especially given the increasing number of Ransomware and other hack attacks. Considering data has become a major differentiator for businesses today, the role of backup needs to evolve from an expensive siloed insurance policy to a simple, productive asset.
Data Protection: How We Got Here
Legacy storage solutions built twenty to thirty years ago haven’t kept up with modern business requirements. It’d be like using your 80’s fax machine, or that old flip phone. In fact, what Cohesity is doing is analogous to the difference between a flip phone and a modern smartphone. Today, it’d be laughable to think that we’d carry a separate phone, camera, GPS device, MP3 player, calculator, flashlight, and more. The smartphone consolidated all these onto a single device, yet what Apple focused on first was amazing voice quality for phone calls.
Our mission is to create the same consolidated platform for secondary data. That said, just like a smartphone first and foremost provided an excellent voice communication capability, our focus is to be the best of breed in doing backups.
This is why Cohesity built a powerful and cost-effective web-scale platform with data protection as our first focus. It’s high time you have a solution that meets real world IT requirements.
Let’s highlight how Cohesity DataProtect simply and economically solves the problem of secondary storage and data protection:
Comprehensive: Of course DataProtect fully protects your virtualization environment and is a cloud native solution. What you probably didn’t know is that we also cover your physical servers, NAS devices, database servers, and remote offices. Wherever your data exists, we’re there to protect it.
Cloud-native: No messy gateways or bolt-ons. You can immediately take advantage of popular cloud services such as AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud for additional flexibility and cost-savings.
Enterprise-class: Some solutions claim to be enterprise-grade, but don’t scale while maintaining data resiliency. Our patented SpanFS technology delivers a superior backup experience and capabilities for environments that range from a few hundred TBs to many PBs.
Pay as you go: Our innovation doesn’t stop with the solution. Your CFO is looking to buy differently too, so we’ve changed the pricing and licensing model to your advantage. No CPU sockets or front end capacity licensing. You only pay for net usable backup capacity post-dedupe, post-compression.
Non-disruptive upgrades: Long gone are the days when you needed to spend weeks, if not months, upgrading your legacy media and master servers. New Cohesity capabilities become available through an automated process at the tap of a button, without taking you or your data protection offline.
No audits: No one likes getting a letter from the IRS. And the same is true of software audits that disrupt and create stress for you and your already tight budget. We are transparent and upfront with you, so you always know what you’re paying for.
Innovative: While some solutions have struggled to put out regular software releases for many months, if not years, Cohesity’s development DNA comes from pioneers such as Google and Nutanix and others born in the cloud companies. We have a proven track record of quarterly software updates that set the bar for simplicity, efficiency, scale, and cloud integration.
Committed to your success: While 95% of our business is simplifying backup for our customers, we know that everyone needs help sometimes and they need it fast. Our customer success team is here for you 24 x 7 x 365, which is why we have one of the highest customer satisfaction scores in the industry. Our NetPromoter Score (NPS) is more than 90 – well above the established enterprise norm for legacy backup providers, if they even provide one.
But don’t take my word for it. Check out what our customers are saying on Gartner Peer Insights, where almost 100 customers have given us a 4.8/5.0 review today.
Data protection is more important than ever, yet legacy solutions haven’t kept up. Cohesity is innovating backup and providing much needed simplification for many businesses today. We’ll be writing more about this topic in coming weeks and months, so stay tuned to this space or follow us on Twitter.
In the meantime, here’s more info on Cohesity DataProtect or you can drop us a line with any questions. We’d be happy to share how fast and easy modern web-scale data protection can be.
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