I.T. Managed Services growth fueled by Cyber Security
According to a recent article from MSP Alliance the continuing rise of managed services is getting even more fuel on the fire with the challenges around Cyber Security.
"Gartner predicts that IT services spending will reach $985 billing in 2018, a 5.5% increase from 2017. While there are many reasons for this increase, I would speculate that increase security threats are a large part of why organizations are outsourcing general IT management to MSPs, but specifically their IT security as well."
We are seeing a similar phenomenon here at Cima. Alex Morrow (VP Managed and Security Services) is easily our busiest person in the company these days. Daily conversations with clients, prospects around topics such as Ransonware, Vulnerabilities, and the biggest culprit of all, employee ignorance. As we talk with business owners daily around North Texas, I continue to hear concerns and stories about how employees have clicked on this, or left this password taped to their monitor etc. Business owners are asking for a program to insure all these bases are covered. Including training their own people.
This is where a Managed Security Service makes sense. From general audit for vulnerabilities, to prevention tools, to ongoing employee education...an MSSP can provide a complete process to mitigate your risk tremendously. Security is not "buy the best prevention tools and be done with it" solution. It takes regular monitoring, training, and evolving to keep up with the forces working against us. Thus, managed services.
Take a look at our Cyber Security Solutions Page to learn more, or complete the form at the bottom of this page to get started.
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