It’s been pretty Cloudy on the IT front for the last several years. AWS, Azure and IBM SoftLayer leading the pack and spinning up some impressive marketing materials around moving all workloads to the cloud. Immediately. Easy Peasy!
Well, reality is sinking in as customers make the attempt to move “everything” and find that the application, process, regulatory and departmental interdependencies, along with the preparation needed for general lift and shift of certain workloads, are not as easy in practice as they are on paper. The good news? The Cloud Service Providers are coming around to this realization as well. Azure Stack and IBM SoftLayer were early in the game as far as offering Hybrid Solutions where a customer could leave certain workloads onsite and integrate seamlessly to the Cloud platform for certain workloads such as test, development, and even HPC.
In the last couple of years other players, such as HPE, have hit the radar with an on-premise cloud, offering a true utilitarian model via GreenLake. This offers customers a pay as you go “on premise” OpEx alternative.
Now AWS has jumped in with a similar model. This week at re:Invent, AWS announced the full suite of their new on Premise hardware offering, AWS Outpost, which allows customers to run AWS on premise from small to very large workloads. They will run only on their own hardware initially, but state that they may expand to other vendors such as HPE, Dell and Cisco down the road. Azure Stack already offers that flexibility to their customers.
At Cima, we work with our customers to define the RIGHT Hybrid solution for your environment. With so many choices, it is up to us to stay in tune with the latest technology trends and help you sort through the muck to find the right fit with one or MORE of these manufacturers.
Call us today to learn more!
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