In the previous post in this series, we provided a brief introduction to the new partnership between Cima Solutions Group and Splunk. While the log analysis and log management tools Splunk offers can benefit you whether your organization plans to run an on-premises or a cloud environment, perhaps the best way to benefit from the new partnership is to blend the two together, by taking advantage of the hybrid cloud capabilities of Cima. In this post, we'll explore the intersection between Cima's hybrid cloud and Splunk's log management capabilities in greater detail.
Driven by a common vision
The new partnership between the two companies is particularly noteworthy for cloud users because of the cloud vision the two companies share. For both Cima and Splunk, cloud represents opportunity: the opportunity to grow an IT environment quickly, keep up with changing priorities, and not have to shell out huge investments just to do so.
However, both companies also realize that no two cloud environments are created equally, and that there are a variety of challenges that must be overcome in order to do cloud right. Using Splunk log analysis capabilities to help build your hybrid cloud environment can help you answer many of the important questions that might come up in the course of planning your cloud strategy, including:
- How can we keep control and visibility over the entire cloud environment, including both private and public cloud elements?
- How can we feel completely confident that our hybrid cloud environment is secure? Are we doing everything we need to do to protect sensitive data and comply with data security regulations?
- How can we ensure our hybrid cloud functions as one coherent whole, rather than a series of silos?
By helping you harness, analyze and apply log and machine data, Splunk can help you answer all of these questions and more. With new data to help drive a deeper understanding of your entire hybrid cloud environment, including what's happening where, what needs to be protected, and how this information affects other areas of the cloud, you can be prepared to truly make the most of what hybrid cloud has to offer.
Best of all, Splunk's solutions are offered as cloud services, making them easy to deploy and integrate with your cloud environment, no matter where you are in your path to cloud migration.
Check back soon as we dive further into Splunk, where we'll be looking at a few examples of what you can accomplish using Cima and Splunk technology together.
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