In the previous post in our series on how hybrid cloud can help create better beer, we took a quick look at what hybrid cloud is, and started looking at what makes beer and hybrid cloud such a good fit for each other. Now, we’ll pick back up where we left off, with a look at how hybrid cloud can improve processes throughout the brewing cycle.
In today’s competitive beer marketplace, great beer that sells well usually doesn’t happen by accident. To get it, you have to start out with a good plan. This will allow you to understand who your customers are, what they’re looking for in a great beer, and what you can make in order to meet those expectations.
Ordinarily, this is the type of thing that a small brewery would assume is beyond them. After all, they might come to the conclusion that enterprise-level capabilities like these would logically carry enterprise-level pricing. For these breweries, hybrid cloud can help level the playing field a bit.
While it is true that effective planning and research does require a lot of data to carry out, that doesn’t necessarily mean that a brewery would have to invest all its resources in a massive data center in order to get it. With the external cloud services found in any hybrid cloud environment, breweries are free to handle as much data as they need without ever having to pay for large capital investments.
Here’s another open secret about the people who tend to work in craft breweries: they’re usually beer lovers first, and everything else second. Very few of them have a natural background in the capabilities it takes to run a great business, whether those are business skills like sales and marketing, or tech skills like building and maintaining an IT infrastructure.
The great thing about hybrid cloud is that it takes this into account: instead of cobbling together an IT environment from many disparate parts, which craft brewers might have difficulty managing on their own, a hybrid cloud environment is designed from the start to function as a coherent whole. This is one less thing for the brewers themselves to worry about, so they can focus more of their time on actually brewing.
When brewers are able to spend more of their time and energy perfecting the craft they love, and less time thinking about how to keep their data center up and running, great beer is the only logical outcome.
Inventory and merchandising
A beer can only be as good as its constituent parts. When you break it down, beer can be as simple as hops, malted barley and water. However, as any experienced brewer knows, the amount and quality of the ingredients you use can make all the difference in the world.
That’s why it’s so important for a craft brewer to be able to keep track of the ingredients they have in their inventory. Do they have the right hops they need to start on that special brew next month? If not, what can they do to get it as quickly as possible? Who are they reputable providers out there, and who is willing to offer the most competitive prices?
These are things that all brewers have to worry about at some point or another, and keeping up with these things can create a lot of data in the process. A hybrid cloud environment can scale up to make sure brewers never exceed their capacity for storing and applying data, while at the same time making sure their most precious data is kept in house where they can keep an eye on it.
Check back soon to see more ways that hybrid cloud can help brew better beer. As always, we invite you to check out a Cima TechUntapped event near you!
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